Hopefully Not Cassandra (Updated) (Bumped)
One of the commenters here posted the following three days ago.
ALERT: Someone is planning a false flag event this weekend. Either the 16th, 17th, or 19th at state capitols and DC (the date of the supposed patriot event varies). Poorly designed posters have been mailed out to conservatives and conservative groups....there's some unconfirmable conspiracy theorizing in the middle...The posters call for armed men to show up at the capitols for a march...
Note that while I have not encountered one of these posters myself, other people who I trust (Including our brilliant and wise web host...praise the lathe of the maker) have verified that these posters & memes are, in fact, circulating.
So, maybe, don't show up armed in D.C. or in front of state Capitol buildings in the next few weeks.
(Alternatively: you can lie down with dogs & get up with fleas.)
Also, if you are aware of an imminent threat of violent mischief, and have evidence, perhaps let the authorities know.
UPDATE:Styxhexenhammer has seen these fliers too and his thoughts on the matter are similar to mine.
I should note that I don't think that most of these protests are "false flags", but I do think that they are a very bad idea and that both the Boogaloo Blockheads and leftist provocateurs are intending to hijack these to foment various flavors of chaos.
UPDATIER: As of 15:10 (Jan. 13) Dr. Reynolds over at Instapundit has now noted this too and in the comments Rick C has turned up one of the posters...and boy howdy...
Yes, it looks like the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks are joining hands with the Tankies in doing a synchronized propeller dance to give all the oxygen they can to this impending dumpster fire.
That or these LARPers today have only ever seen commie agitprop before.
Don't go to these things, they will only end in tears. Also: Pixy has unearthed more evidence of derpitude
I haven't seen such flyers, and while I can easily believe that the Left is trying to set up more false flag operations, this sort of thing makes me wonder: at what point *do* we show up with our guns? What line will finally send up the balloon?
They keep salami-slicing away the Constitution, and I keep hearing "this is not the hill to die upon"...so when will we know we've finally gotten to that hill? If honest elections for the Presidency don't qualify, then does anything?
N.B. I'm not advocating anything at this point. I'm just wondering if *anything* will ever merit watering the Tree of Liberty again, or if we've already ceded our freedoms away for a mess of pottage.
Posted by: jabrwok at Wed Jan 13 09:29:38 2021 (BlRin)
@jabrwok, one of the posters is up on Ace's this morning; here's the direct link to the image: http://ace.mu.nu/archives/coup%2020210113%2002.jpg
Notice the red background with yellow stars.
Posted by: Rick C at Wed Jan 13 13:23:51 2021 (eqaFC)
At Instapundit they've found what is probably the original poster this one was cribbed from. I commented over there that I posted this one on FB & said "do not go to this event." FB deleted the post, claiming it could put people in harm, clearly ignoring my text.
Posted by: Rick C at Fri Jan 15 10:18:01 2021 (eqaFC)
Oh Wow. They're Going to Test This Thing Next Month
They've been best known until now for cool CGI animations of stuff they say they'll do eventually, but now The Gateway Foundation is announcing plans to do a 40% scale test of their fabrication robot 'D-Star'.
If this thing works, even the 40% version will have massive potential to assemble things in orbit and beyond. If Space-X gets their rockets working and produced in the quantities that Mr. Musk is promising, then we could have the solar system from Mercury to Pallas opened up in less than a decade.
Good Grief! It's Real.
We covered the rumors of the Kel-Tec P50 before. And expressed skepticism that anything this cool could exist. Commenters reported seeing magazine articles on it, but now there is confirmation from Kel-Tec themselves via The Gun Hipster Network.
Sadly, Kel-Tec will not be getting it to market before January 20th, so there is still some doubt as to whether it will ever be available.
Without handling the thing it's hard to make any judgements on handling, but the mag change looks flakier than it should be, not because its bad in concept, but because it opens SO wide that in the dark it looks like there's too big an area that the mag might go. It's certainly not "hand finds hand".
Still, that's what practice is for and a pistol shooting 50 rounds of 5.7x28 for under a grand is quite compelling and a potential budgetary hazard.
I'd been looking at an 1858 Remington, and then THIS goes and happens.
A pistol shooting 5.7 under a grand existed for a long time. In fact, I saw it at a local range's rental counter the other day. The difference is the magazine capacity. Ruger 57 only holds 20 rounds and P50 holds 50 rounds.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Jan 13 12:54:49 2021 (LZ7Bg)
I must admit, I'm intrigued by the Ruger. It's the 50 rounds that's the selling point here. Also, the barrel length is comparable to the P-90, so it should wring most of the performance out of a cartridge that, as I understand it, is quite velocity dependent.
However, to be clear, I'm a BAH, not an engineer and my firearms experience is neither broad nor deep, mostly consisting of qualifying to fire several weapons in the military that I never shot in anger and some casual civilian plinking and marksmanship practice back in the 'before time' (when there was ammunition).
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Jan 13 15:02:57 2021 (5iiQK)
Signs and Portents
If you find yourself in a reality where one of the most nuanced and level headed takes on the Capital riot and subsequent Orwellian responses is coming to you from...BEARING...you are likely approaching some scary, crazy times.
UPDATE: To be clear, while his overview of the situation we are in post riot is as good as any, Bearing is way out in front of some people I used to read until last week in that he is emphatic that the assholes who stormed through the capitol windows and stole stuff were, in fact, assholes.
Responding to the Purging of Parler
I was saddened to learn that MeWe wasn't Pixy's social media outlet, but I've signed up for it anyway.
I do not like microblogging, but it's good to have some other alternatives to Twitter, now that Parler is gone and Gab is the junior Bostonian Baptist Anti-Fun League circa 1947.
I'm also on Pawoo, but honestly haven't posted there since Dec 7th. Maybe some of you can post Fediverse and other alternatives in the comments.
UPDATE: While I was typing on MeWe about my curry....I burned my curry.
Posted by: bouff at Mon Jan 11 03:12:39 2021 (pJ2Io)
Meanwhile, Fediverse is continuing on ticking.
Also, guys? Don't use your real name on Mewe unless it's real in your other identities. For one thing, I cannot tell who the heck you are!
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Jan 11 14:43:07 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Yeah, the Fediverse isn't entirely immune to this sort of crap, but it's a lot more resistant. We should never have abandoned Usenet.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Mon Jan 11 22:12:39 2021 (PiXy!)
ALERT: Someone is planning a false flag event this weekend. Either the 16th, 17th, or 19th at state capitols and DC (the date of the supposed patriot event varies). Poorly designed posters have been mailed out to conservatives and conservative groups. The FBI is in on it, since they are now making noises about "uncovering the plot". (Sources, the Blaze, ABC, etc..)
The president is being held incommunicado, and our normal modes of communication are recording the event are being shut down. This is (other than the sheer hell of it) so that we cannot shine a light on what really happens this weekend.
The posters call for armed men to show up at the capitols for a march. This is a TRAP. Unfortunately, with a few million pissed off people, it's almost inevitable that enough idiots will show to give them their set-piece Tienanmen square massacre. If by some miracle, everyone stays home, I'm sure antifa, or Hollywood CGI will fill in.
What is planned next is a brutal crackdown on America in "response" to inaugurate the new regime. The capitol hill protest didn't do what they want, so this is plan B. These liars will now make up reality to suit them, so that they have some bloody shirt to wave giving them moral authority for the rest of the evil they plan.
Hope I'm just paranoid, but we'll find out this weekend.
Posted by: anonymous at Tue Jan 12 07:43:24 2021 (LL2wD)
Yeah, I've seen the flyers being circulated. The communist iconography couldn't be any more blatant if they had photoshopped Che's face onto the Statue of Liberty.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Jan 12 09:40:18 2021 (PiXy!)
Do ya'll have any of these flyers? Has anyone contacted authorities to warn them?
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Jan 12 14:07:49 2021 (5iiQK)
I've only seen them on Twitter. They're obviously fake, but I don't know what the level of fakery is. A real photo of a fake flyer? A fake photo of nonexistent flyer? A real photo of a real flyer for a fake protest?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Jan 12 23:03:07 2021 (PiXy!)
I worry about what might happen to Hololive with American Big Tech gone batshit insane. They're as apolitical as you can get, but that's probably not going to be enough.
ANSWER: It's Pixy obviously. He's generally right. Nostradamus by contrast, was full of crap.
I didn't expect to be proven right quite that quickly.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sun Jan 10 02:47:37 2021 (PiXy!)
That said, Hero Hei is something of a drama queen.
That said, antis are antis. They're all commie bastards, it's just that some of them are doing it for free.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sun Jan 10 02:57:09 2021 (PiXy!)
No mention why she apparently ran afoul of the woke mob?
Posted by: Rick C at Sun Jan 10 12:35:53 2021 (eqaFC)
She was put on a list of "Problematic V-Tubers". For what I'm not sure, but the consensus amongst the wokeratti is that whatever she was doing was gross...so "fun".
@murrhearts has privated his/her account but looking at replies one thing that was mentioned was Ookami Mio's lore.
Reddit's Hololive page is saying she's been reinstated, but this screencap is from today at 15:35:05 EST.
Hero Hei is indeed a drama queen, but a Twitter ban is not ephemeral rumor and he's got his screencaps indicating that there is, indeed, a list.
People really like lists nowadays so this seemed worthy of mention.
This is where I make a dreadful confession to my audience:
I don't really follow Hololive.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jan 10 15:42:22 2021 (5iiQK)
Meanwhile: At Alpha Centauri
This story actually transpired a couple of weeks ago but I have been waiting for the inevitable debunking. Now one of the Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes is here to inform us how that went...
"The debunking is not going quite as smoothly as expected".
Oh dear.
Allow me to explain...
A few weeks ago, radio astronomers detected an odd radio signal that seemed to come from from the nearby Alpha Centauri system, the 3 closest stars to Earth.
That's bloody coincidental, so while the press was being their usual calm selves, the scientists did what they always do when they hear an 'extraterrestrial signal', they set about trying to figure out what Earth radio signal they had mistakenly picked up.
Well, weeks later there have been some developments...sort of.
Basically all known terrestrial radio signals have been eliminated as being this.
As I understand it, the signal hasn't changed much in bearing (relative to the sun), which one would expect if it to do if it were being broadcast from inside the solar system. Moreover, this turns out not to be a particularly weak signal by the standards of radio astronomy, quite the opposite in fact, and after adjusting their readings and analyzing their parallax, they've narrowed it down to coming from the direction of Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf that is the closest of the three stars in Alpha Centauri and the closest star to Earth.
The chances of the first SETI success involving the closest star in the sky is....well, the odds of THAT seem dubious.
However, this signal is strange, and is stubbornly defying debunkery. An inability to, as of yet, debunk something that is vanishingly unlikely is NOT the same as confirmation. However, this has slipped out of the realm of press hype and into the realm of 'interesting'.
There's a good overview of this conundrum here:
Interestingly, the signal doesn't appear to be data...it's a monotone signal, like a dial tone...or a beacon.
Proxima is now known to have at least 2 planets and an asteroid/dust belt.
One of the planets, (Proxima Centauri B) is in the theoretical habitable zone from the star. However that habitable zone is very close to the star. Proxima's a small star, a tad bigger than Jupiter (though much more massive) and it's not a calm star like ours. It flares quite spectacularly. In fact it has flares that are bigger than those spewed out by our sun.
Any planet in the "habitable zone" of this dinky little star is going to get bombarded by star farts, and would require a massive atmosphere similar to Venus, and/or a terribly strong magnetic field to keep its atmosphere from being stripped away.
Note too that "habitable zone" is a bit of a provincial and vague term. Venus, Earth and Mars are in our sun's habitable zone, but only one of them is habitable by humans.
The planet in that system which has gotten the most attention is the aforementioned Proxima Centauri B, in part because it is in the habitable zone and in part because it was discovered first. It has a mass somewhere between 1.7 and 1.6 times that of Earth and an estimated surface gravity, according to Wikipedia of between .95 and 1.1 g. It's a bit bigger and somewhat more massive than Earth. Assuming it has an atmosphere, it's probably colder than Earth...but that's a big assumption, because it's so close to its star that its getting blasted by solar wind and radiation, that, in the absence of a strong magnetic field would have stripped away the atmosphere long ago and sterilized the husk.
We have some experience with the magnetic fields of roughly Earth-size rocky planets, having no less than four of them in the general vicinity. Only one of them, has a useful magnetic field. Mars has one that only extends above the planetary surface in the tropics. Venus has a weak magnetosphere caused by the impact of solar wind on its upper atmosphere, Mercury, which is about the size of the moon (but as massive as Mars) has a very weak field, and Earth has about the second strongest magnetic field in the solar system after Jupiter. Earth's anomalously strong field is actually on par with the other gas giants like Saturn. It is hypothesized that this is due to tidal forces coming from the moon and the fact that Earth still spins on its axis fairly quickly.
As we noted a while back, any planet orbiting as close to its star as Proxima b is likely to be tidally locked, that is, it's likely to orbit once per rotation (like the moon is to Earth). However, In the embedded video there is speculation that it might be in resonance, perhaps with the other, recently discovered, planet (Proxima Centauri C) much as Mercury is in resonance with Jupiter. It is unclear if this is based on models or wishful thinking, but this would at least mean that it would have a day/night cycle. However, even generously granting that possibility, it likely still does not rotate fast enough to generate a sufficient magnetic field to protect it. There is also a data artifact noted in passing on page 8 of this paper that opens the remote possibility that the planet might have a moon (how that could possibly work so close to the star is unclear). There is a video discussion of this planet and the solar system in general here.
The study confirming Proxima b also indicated there might be another, smaller planet with an orbital period of 5.15 days (Noted on page 7 of the previous paper) but Proxima d is, as yet, unconfirmed.
The only other planet confirmed to be in the system in the system, Proxima Centauri C is either a small ice giant (would that be an ice orc?) , or a big rocky world. It is quite frigid and fairly far from the star, being outboard of what appears to be a dust or asteroid belt. This is all based on inferences from the wobble and red-shift of the star, but, recently astronomers were actually able to take a direct picture of Proxima C. While this dark frigid world elicits little interest from those looking for life signs, the ability to directly take a picture of a planet in another solar system is cool indeed. So what does this boring thing look like?
Yes the bigger planet in the system we are "getting signals from" is 'glowy', way bigger than it should be, and appears to be vastly less dense than a planet.
One possibility is that this planet has a massive ring system, that, like those of Saturn and Chariklo, is coated in highly reflective ice.
Uncredited NASA artist's conception of Proxima-C via
For reasons of propriety, we will, of course, dismiss out of hand the notion that Proxima C is an alien megastructure.
Damnit, I was hoping that it might be the real life equivalent of Ellis from 2300AD - a habitable planet orbiting around a red dwarf that is oddly not tide-locked, and where Americans can move to without being trapped in a high tech security state.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sat Jan 9 12:46:59 2021 (4i7w0)
So if they've been listening all this time, what happened 8.8 years ago that prompted their "head up" dial tone?
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Sat Jan 9 13:30:53 2021 (QMNdN)
At the time, I suggested over at another website that the signal is a homing beacon from kids annoyed that Santa hasn't visited.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sat Jan 9 16:52:35 2021 (Bkp4m)
So if they've been listening all this time, what happened 8.8 years ago that prompted their "head up" dial tone?
Radio astronomers are generally looking for interesting astronomical phenomena (phenomenae?) They point their radio telescopes at interesting things and Alpha Centauri consists of basic bitch versions of G,K, and M class stars, which are themselves basic bitch versions of stars.
Also, SETI does not have a lot of funding in comparison to other aspects of astronomy which get billions of dollars to spend on space origamis. SETI is full of serious researchers, but I get the impression that it is mostly professional astronomers who are basically pursuing their hobby. Not a lot of grants come to those who find nothing year after year and I imagine that the research doesn't generate a lot of peer-reviewed research.
" Having reviewed Professor Skippy's analysis suggesting that he'd heard nothing, we have concluded that, in fact, he heard nothing."
Also, Radio Astronomy and SETI in particular listen to a small chunk of the sky at any given time and since Radio Astronomy was a thing there has always been a LOT of radio signals to filter out. A lot of the work with SETI and RA in general is just trying to eliminate all the Top 40 and CB broadcasts. That takes time.
Finally, I suspect it is a matter of geography. Most radio telescopes are in the northern hemisphere. The constellation Centarus, despite being named by the Greeks, is now only visible from the southern hemisphere year round and south of Florida in the Summer.
So there was a star system, that was not interesting except because of its location, that wasn't really viewable with the best equipment, and a signal that was hard to filter out from the background noise and sounds like a dial-tone or radio test.
It's still probably nothing, but given how odd the signal is, whatever it is should at least be amusing.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Jan 9 17:32:19 2021 (5iiQK)
Mars, some asteroid, or Callisto would be a better bet.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Jan 9 17:35:54 2021 (5iiQK)
6Mars, some asteroid, or Callisto would be a better bet.
Unless terraforming technology gets a LOT better, I rather a place that is both far away and whose residents will not be immediately vulnerable due to their life support systems being destroyed by planetary bombardment (a la what happened to Hochbaden in the 2300AD setting - yes, I have been reading old gaming modules.).
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Jan 10 14:47:29 2021 (4i7w0)
Terraforming is outre' tech to be sure, but FAR less so than traveling 4.6 light years. In contrast to the Hochbaden scenario you mention, most any space settlements aside from Spaceports are going to be buried, either in asteroids or underground, presenting any attackers with the thorny issues the Earth faced in Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Hochbaden was, IIRC, a Bavarian vanity project with the pressurized habitats all exposed for reasons of artistic whimsy, and big open windows the size of football fields to facilitate tourism. In 2300, most other closed-ecosystem colonies were much more sound architecturally.
Even assuming that orbital bombardment is not a consideration, and frankly its not high on the list of realistic design concerns, mitigation of radiation and meteors is going to require subterranean placement of most habitable areas, with periscopes bringing light in for farming.
Sunlight looses the bandwidths necessary for terrestrial photosynthesis past the Trojans, so, Jupiter is probably a hard limit on how far out we could go in the absence of fusion power. Jupiter is also the extreme limit of practical solar power (see Juno).
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jan 10 17:48:09 2021 (5iiQK)
On The Importance of not Becoming the Monsters One is Fighting
First let me say that I condemn and disavow those who stupidly decided yesterday to get in touch with their inner Antifatard and charge the Capitol building.
This was stupid.
This was foul.
This was wrong.
The purpose of the exercise is to oppose the left, not BE the left.
These idiots are jus as bad as Antifa, BLM and all the other thugs we suffered from last year.
And that is an important component of trying to understand how we got here.
( Note to the linguistically impaired: Understanding is not endorsing, or defending. These actions are indefensible.)
For some time people have had the following explained to them in the most sanctimonious and arrogant way possible.
And anyone who disagreed was called everything but a child of God.
None of this excuses the vile shit that went down at the Capitol yesterday, but it does put it into context.
I and many other conservatives are denouncing these fuckwits in exactly the same way we denounced the riots of last summer... and while it's good to FINALLY have a bipartisan denunciation of political violence, in stark contrast to the previous situation, if AOC and her co-religionists can't disavow their previous statements in favor of insurrectionists, they only make the problem worse.
Because the message that the riots, and the election sent is that only those who violently protest will be taken seriously.
Trump is a carnival barker and a narcisist. But Trump did not do this. He sure as fuck could have chosen his words better, but he did not start this riot. The rioters are people, with agency, and they chose to be little shits.
Furthermore, the left has spent a year normalizing political violence.
This does not excuse the vile actions that took place yesterday. It makes them even more reprehensible, because those stupid actions served to malign the hundreds of thousands of protestors who were there to peacefully protest and it deprives the public at large of any hope that either side denounces violence.
I have seen it noted on other blogs that this wasn't any different from the many times that lefty loons broke into the Capitol during hearings, votes or state of the union speeches except that the capitol police did not shoot any of those protestors to death....
Outside the Supreme Court 2018
...which almost seems like a fair point until you realize that our side is the one that is supposed to stand against this darkness. Another fact frequently noted is that aside from the broken windows, this was a remarkably sedate riot, with little looting or burning, and while that is, indeed true, the riot was still a damned RIOT. Furthermore, the sacred nature of the venue rather negates that argument.
There is one big caveat however.
This is not a defense of this indefensible action but a fact and a warning.
If riots are the rules by which the political game is to be played going forward, both sides are eventually going to follow those rules. The only thing that had kept conservatives from responding in kind ( Instead famously leaving protest areas cleaner than when they showed up) was a faith that the system could work for them, the bourgeoisie values that were the key to their standard of living and a sense of civics. All of these have been under constant attack, especially in schools to the point that the younger generations are starting to see those cultural checks as indicators of gullibility.
This is a dangerous place we are in, and if the nation goes over the precipice, a fair amount of the blood spilled will be on the hands of those who acted so stupidly yesterday. And on those who have unimaginable cultural influence and have so normalized this sort of behavior when it was their allies doing it.
I think we might have reached the tipping point, not because of the riots, but because of the purges that have already begun that coincided with the riots.
I never thought I would live to see the day the Cultural Revolution came to the US. I had hope that it would stay as a bad memory for people I know who saw it.
It looks like I am wrong.
Posted by: cxt217 at Fri Jan 8 23:05:27 2021 (4i7w0)
On the Solarwinds Hack
InRange TV is a fireams channel, and a pretty good one. However, the channels proprietor, Karl Kasarda works in IT security and is involved to some extent in the hacking community.
He's decided to go off format in this instance to clear up what he sees as some misreporting on the recently disclosed IT breach that has been in the news of late.
A lot of the SolarWinds stuff was caused by people doing things that were obviously, blatantly wrong, because it was easier that way. Every organisation needs some grumpy old bastard in charge of their network who constantly says "No, we can't just do X. That's retarded."
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thu Dec 31 09:02:28 2020 (PiXy!)
Sadly, they've had to fire all those people because you can't say "retarded".
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Dec 31 11:25:05 2020 (5iiQK)
When I moved to Austin, it came as a rather unpleasant surprise how infested the local tech area was by "security" folks. They dominate the meetups, although these days their dominance came under attack by so-called "data scientists". I'm not at all surprised that SolarWinds has sprouted from this petri dish.
I met a guy once who founded a company that made firewalls that capped the hop counts of the IP packets. He took out several patents for the technique, and promoted it as an alternative to actual firewalls. You can see the attraction: no matter what, your internal systems cannot talk to anything beyond the DMZ. The downsides are pretty obvious too. What struck me the most was the attempt to become rich off a half-baked, counter-productive idea. He focused on Windows customers, too.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Dec 31 16:38:51 2020 (LZ7Bg)
A Solution to the Gawr-Gura Conundrum Gawr-Gura is an English language V-Tuber associated with Hololive. Gawr-Gura is a little unusual in a manner distinct from her just being little and unusual. She embraces the conceit of many female V-Tubers being some variety of fantasy trope animal girl, but instead of being a catgirl, foxgirl or bunny-girl, she's half-carcharadon, you know, a great white shark.
There's lore, I'm sure.
While other demi-human damsels have cute animal ears coming out of their heads Gawr-Gura's hybrid nature is denoted by an art-deco hoodie and a shark tail.
Now, if you're anything like me, you're looking at that and wondering how she goes to the bathroom.
"Whatever setbacks I have had in my life, I can at least always be secure in the knowledge that I am not anything like you."
Anyway, Hololive is a Japanese company, and over there, a few Gundam toilets notwithstanding, they have lots of squat toilets, so, problem solved.
The toilet in the maison I lodged at for a month in Nerima; better suited to shark-girls than honkey-boys. .
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